I thought I had it hard…….

I thought I had it hard until……

I investigated the story of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace–one moment “beings of light” only to be cast down out of paradise into lives of struggle and mortality.

Life these days is unsettling and often hard to maneuver.  Sometimes it makes you feel helpless and causes one to view life as difficult and without hope.

It takes looking back at the stories of my forebearers, to get perspective.

Those few chapters in Genesis barely touch on the hardship and strife that they must have endured.  Physical, spiritual and emotional battles and hardships were endured for all their years.

My experiences in “falling from grace” brings to mind the heartrending feeling of disappointing GOD and parents at the times I made WRONG choices.  That remorse is bad enough, just imagine walking with GOD only to be cast away, out of his realm, away from his light, his love, and his grace.  How unbearable!

I thought I had it hard until……

I read the annals of Noah.  Imagine knowing that everyone and everything that you know on the earth is about to be destroyed and lost forever, save the people and animals that YOU are entrusted to your care.

Despite the wickedness of mankind, despite the ridicule and contempt, despite the difficulties building this vessel would entail, Noah persevered and completed this assignment.

Imagine a deluge so extensive that the entire earth was covered with water, up to and above the highest mountain.  The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were opened, and every living thing destroyed save those on the ark.

I know I have complained about a rainy summer.  Isn’t that absurd?

I thought I had it hard until…….

I learned the story of Abraham.  Visitations and covenants made with GOD himself, migration from his homeland, deception, plagues, battles, capture, rescue, blessings, visions, visits from angels, promises of a great nation, judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah, long awaited birth of Isaac, sacrifice, blessings, obedience, and eventually, death as an old man, full of years.   No wonder Abraham was considered to be a friend of GOD, he walked with him in complete trust.

I get annoyed at the many brief interruptions and detours that are placed in my path. That’s not much of an example of living in faith, I realize.

I thought I had it hard until……

I became acquainted with the account of Jacob’s life; scheming, deception, estrangement, blessings, revenge, prosperity, visitations, conspiracy, famine, redemption, reunion, prophecy, blessings and finally, death surrounded by those he loved.  What a story, what a life. 

I am shamed to remember the times I complained about insignificant things and inconveniences.  Have I ever had to sleep with a stone as my pillow?

I thought I had it hard until……….

I followed Joseph through his life, from being favorite son, to conspired against, betrayed, sold into slavery, imprisonment, interpreter of dreams, empowerment, sustaining Egypt through famine, reunion with his brothers and father and ultimately the rescuer of the tribes of Israel.  

Silly me, feeling like such a righteous person when I go out of my way for someone needing a favor. 

I thought I had it hard until……..

I observed the trials and tribulations of Moses. Right from birth his difficulties began when the King of Egypt decreed that every Hebrew son was to be killed at birth and cast into the river Nile.

Every chapter of his story was eventful, dramatic and humbling. Beginning with his first moment standing on Holy Ground, to the ten plagues, to the Passover, to the parting of the Red Sea, to the delivery of GOD’s laws, to the tabernacle to his final, last stand upon Mount Nebo where he was able to view the promised land that he was never to step foot upon.

Don’t I feel foolish when I find myself murmuring like an Israelite wandering in the desert.

I thought I had it hard until……….

I learned of the stories of Samson and his prayer for strength and redemption, of King Saul’s fall from grace and pursuit of David.  David’s challenge of Goliath and his years of war while reigning as king, and then of his own great sin, repentance and judgement.

The stories of the destruction of the temple, fall of Jerusalem, years of captivity, the plot against the Hebrew people in Persia during the time of Esther, Daniel in the lion’s den, the fiery furnace, the writing on the wall, Jonah fleeing from the presence of the Lord, and the strife and suffering of the people and the prophets, all exciting and appealing and appalling. 

I thought I had it hard until……..

I followed the path the disciples of Jesus had to walk, from unbelief to belief, to excitement, to witnessing, to conversion, to imprisonment, to martyrdom.  

Can any of us know, that even if we had witnessed all the miracles, witnessed the life, the death, the resurrection and the ascension, would we have continued to follow until right up to death, or might we have given up, given in?

I thought I had it hard until…….

I observed the birth, the life, the lessons, the miracles, the parables, the persecution, the betrayal, the crucifixion, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.  

The greatest story ever told. 

What a wonderful, horrible, humbling testament of GOD’s love for his children. Nothing could be better, nothing could be worse.

I am awed by the stories, by the suffering, by the heroics, by the perseverance, by the greatness, by the meekness, by the inspiration, by the blessings, by the judgements, by the mercy, by the grace, by the simplicity and the complexity of these people who were my ancestors and predecessors.

I know that I DON’T HAVE IT HARD, I’VE NEVER HAD IT HARD.  I guess I don’t really even know what it means, having a hard life.

Thank you, FATHER, for the mercy and grace you have shown me, not deserved, but appreciated.